
PHP / MySQL / HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript / Responsive Web Design

With the elderly population growing and having to take many medications, I wanted to create an app that would make it easier for them to manage all their medications. MyMedList is an app that allows users to keep track of all their medications, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, and vitamins, by storing them in one list.

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The Problem

It is important for doctors and healthcare providers to know all the medications their patients take, not just the prescribed ones, in order to best treat them. But it is hard for people to remember everything they take when they visit their doctor.

The Solution

Develop an app that keeps all of people's medication information in one place, one list, for easy access.

How it works

The patient can manage their medications by adding to or viewing their medication list, and even looking at their history so they can easily show it at their next appointment via email or print. Caregivers can also come into the app and manage their patient’s lists as well.

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Future Enhancements

I worked on making the tables responsive and the print functionality is better. I would have still liked to implement an API, like the Health Central Database, that would display all of the medications that the patient could choose from. The sending via email could be better by being able to turn the medication list into a PDF and sending it as an attachment.