
PHP / MySQL / HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript / Responsive Web Design

Plentyfull is a web application that provides inclusive catering options for companies and event planners that consider the dietary and allergy needs of everyone.

This project was a collaboration with team members. I was responsible for the Back-End Development and JavaScript.

View the Source Code on GitHub

The Problem

Finding catering to suit everyone’s needs is time consuming and leads to hours of work.

The Solution

Let an app do all the work! It would provide a list of restaurants that cater to everyone's needs based on results.

How it works

The event planner fills a survey that generates a code. They then share the code with all of the attendees that allows them to answer a survey about their dietary and allergy restrictions. Based on the survey results, we give the planner a list of catering businesses that match the different dietary and allergy needs.

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Future Enhancements

We didn’t finish the filtering feature because of time constraints. It would have allowed the planner to filter through the different diet and allergy constraints to see what restaurants cater those needs. We could have spent more time making the website responsive.
