
HTML5 / CSS3 / BootStrap / AJAX / Vue.js / PHP / MySQL / Responsive Web Design

Charitables is a mobile-first web application that connects businesses with charities based on food or clothes donations.

This project was a collaboration with team members. I was responsible for the Front-End Development, JavaScript, and some of the Back-End Development.

View the Source Code on GitHub

The Problem

Too often, grocery stores and restaurants find themselves throwing out food when there is a greater need for them in nearby communities.

The Solution

Have a centralized place where both businesses and charities can go to post their things they want to donate or receive. From there, charities are matched with businesses based on what they want. Inspired by Second Harvest.

How it works

Our website offers an easy way to donate both food and clothes. Businesses and charities fill in a form of what they want to give or receive and they get matched together based on their items.

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Future Enhancements

Due to time constraints, we didn't get the matching system done: We would have liked to implement a notification system where charities would get notified when they have been matched with businesses.
